A configured webhook
· String
· The type of webhook signature_secret
· String
· The secret key used to sign the webhook warned_at
· ISO8601DateTime
· The date and time that the customer was wamed about the webhook failing webhook_events
· [WebhookEvent!]
· The events that the webhook is subscribed to Used By
"""A configured webhook"""type Webhook { """ Pagination cursor """ cursor: Cursor!
""" The type of webhook """ event_type: String
""" The unique identifier of the webhook """ id: ID!
""" Whether the webhook is enabled or not """ is_enabled: Boolean!
""" Whether the webhook should retry on failure """ should_retry: Boolean!
""" The secret key used to sign the webhook """ signature_secret: String
""" The URL that the webhook will be sent to """ url: String
""" The date and time that the customer was wamed about the webhook failing """ warned_at: ISO8601DateTime
""" The events that the webhook is subscribed to """ webhook_events: [WebhookEvent!]}