get open appointment times for a range (considered public)
· ID
· (optional) The ID of the appointment that will be rescheduled. Only needed if you want to use appointment-specific rescheduling restrictions end_date_boundary
· String
· When passed in, slots after this will not be returned. Inclusive. YYYY-MM-DD format licensed_in_state
· String
· Two letter state abbreviation (e.g. "CA", "NY") provider_id
· String
· Required start_date_boundary
· String
· When passed in, slots before this will not be returned. YYYY-MM-DD format Returns
query nextAvailableSlot( $appointment_to_reschedule_id: ID $appt_loc_id: ID $appt_type_id: ID $contact_type: String $end_date_boundary: String $length: String $licensed_in_state: String $org_level: Boolean $outside_factors: Boolean $provider_id: String $provider_ids: [ID] $tag_ids: [ID] $start_date_boundary: String $timezone: String) { nextAvailableSlot( appointment_to_reschedule_id: $appointment_to_reschedule_id appt_loc_id: $appt_loc_id appt_type_id: $appt_type_id contact_type: $contact_type end_date_boundary: $end_date_boundary length: $length licensed_in_state: $licensed_in_state org_level: $org_level outside_factors: $outside_factors provider_id: $provider_id provider_ids: $provider_ids tag_ids: $tag_ids start_date_boundary: $start_date_boundary timezone: $timezone )}