A pharmacy generated from Dosespot
· String
· The fax number of the pharmacy phone_number
· String
· The phone number of the pharmacy service_level
· [String!]
· The service level of the pharmacy specialties
· [String!]
· The specialties of the pharmacy Used By
"""A pharmacy generated from Dosespot"""type Pharmacy { """ The city of the address """ city: String
""" The fax number of the pharmacy """ fax_number: String
""" The unique identifier of the pharmacy """ id: ID!
""" latitude coordinate of the pharmacy """ latitude: Float
""" The first line of the address """ line1: String
""" The second line of the address """ line2: String
""" longitude coordinate of the pharmacy """ longitude: Float
""" The name of the pharmacy """ name: String
""" The NCPDP ID of the pharmacy """ ncpdpid: ID
""" The phone number of the pharmacy """ phone_number: String
""" The service level of the pharmacy """ service_level: [String!]
""" The specialties of the pharmacy """ specialties: [String!]
""" The state of the address (Uses the 2 letter abbreviation if in US) """ state: String
""" The zip/postal code of the address """ zip: String}