Health Assessment contains in-depth help info and goals for a client
· BodyReport
· The body report for the client health_report
· HealthReport
· The health report for the client is_diabetic
· Boolean
· Is the client diabetic? recommendation
· HealthAssessmentRecommendation
· The recommendation for the client Used By
"""Health Assessment contains in-depth help info and goals for a client"""type HealthAssessment { """ The body report for the client """ body_report: BodyReport
""" The date the health assessment was created """ created_at: ISO8601DateTime!
""" gen """ gender: String
""" The health report for the client """ health_report: HealthReport
""" The height of the client """ height: String
""" The unique identifier of the health accessment """ id: ID!
""" Is the client diabetic? """ is_diabetic: Boolean
""" The race of the client """ race: String
""" The recommendation for the client """ recommendation: HealthAssessmentRecommendation
""" The title of the health assessment """ title: String}