Autogenerated input type of createEntry
· String
· DO NOT USE deprecated
DO NOT USEcheck_duplicates
· Boolean
· Deprecated. (Used in bulkCreate mutation instead) Check for duplicates, currently only supported if third_party_source is apple_health deprecated
· Boolean
· If true, will trigger a notification to the provider based on the provider settings. If nil or false will trigger a notification to the provider if the poster is a patient. deprecated
Use `perceived_hungriness` insteadthird_party_source
· String
· Options are apple_health, google_fit, or fitbit Used By
"""Autogenerated input type of createEntry"""input createEntryInput { """ DO NOT USE """ clientMutationId: String @deprecated(reason: "DO NOT USE") category: String
""" Deprecated. (Used in bulkCreate mutation instead) Check for duplicates, currently only supported if third_party_source is apple_health """ check_duplicates: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Deprecated") created_at: ISO8601DateTime description: String ed_posthunger: String ed_prehunger: String emotions: String food_items: String image: Upload image_string: String meal_ids: [ID] meal_name: String metric_stat: String
""" If true, will trigger a notification to the provider based on the provider settings. If nil or false will trigger a notification to the provider if the poster is a patient. """ notify_provider: Boolean other_symptom: String percieved_hungriness: String @deprecated(reason: "Use `perceived_hungriness` instead") perceived_hungriness: String reflection: String symptoms: String
""" Options are apple_health, google_fit, or fitbit """ third_party_source: String
""" One of MetricEntry, FoodEntry, WorkoutEntry, MirrorEntry, SleepEntry, NoteEntry, WaterIntakeEntry, PoopEntry, SymptomEntry """ type: String user_id: ID subentries: [SubentryInput]}