Payload for a CPT code associated with an appointment type
· String
· The ID of the CPT code fee_per_unit
· Int
· Fee (in cents) per unit insurance_billing_enabled
· Boolean
· DEPRECATED. Use appointmentType's insurance_billing_enabled instead deprecated
Use appointmentType's insurance_billing_enabled insteadUsed By
"""Payload for a CPT code associated with an appointment type"""input AppointmentTypeCptCode { """ The ID of the CPT code """ cpt_code_id: String
""" Fee (in cents) per unit """ fee_per_unit: Int
""" DEPRECATED. Use appointmentType's insurance_billing_enabled instead """ insurance_billing_enabled: Boolean @deprecated( reason: "Use appointmentType's insurance_billing_enabled instead" )
""" The number of units for the CPT code """ units: String}