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An implantable device


brand_name · String · Brand name of the implantable device.
company_name · String · Name of the company that manufactures the implantable device.
created_at · ISO8601DateTime · A string representation of the date/time when the device record was created in the database.
device_id · String · A unique identifier assigned to the device.
device_id_issuing_agency · String · The agency that issued the device identifier.
duns_number · String · Dun & Bradstreet number (DUNS number) is a unique nine-digit identifier for businesses.
gmdn_terms · String · Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN) terms, a system of internationally agreed generic descriptors used to identify all medical device products.
id · ID! · required · The unique identifier of the implantable device type
labeled_contains_nrl · String · Whether the device contains natural rubber latex or not.
mri_safety_status · String · Status of the device's safety in an MRI environment (e.g., safe, conditional, unsafe).
public_device_record_key · String · Key of the device's public record.
public_version_date · ISO8601DateTime · Date when the public version of the device record was created or updated.
public_version_number · String · Version number of the public device record.
public_version_status · String · Status of the public version of the device record (e.g., active, retired).
updated_at · ISO8601DateTime · A string representation of the date/time when the device record was last updated in the database.
version_model_number · String · Version or model number of the device.

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An implantable device
type ImplantableDevice {
Brand name of the implantable device.
brand_name: String
Name of the company that manufactures the implantable device.
company_name: String
A string representation of the date/time when the device record was created in the database.
created_at: ISO8601DateTime
A unique identifier assigned to the device.
device_id: String
The agency that issued the device identifier.
device_id_issuing_agency: String
Dun & Bradstreet number (DUNS number) is a unique nine-digit identifier for businesses.
duns_number: String
Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN) terms, a system of internationally agreed generic descriptors used to identify all medical device products.
gmdn_terms: String
The unique identifier of the implantable device type
id: ID!
Whether the device contains natural rubber latex or not.
labeled_contains_nrl: String
Status of the device's safety in an MRI environment (e.g., safe, conditional, unsafe).
mri_safety_status: String
Key of the device's public record.
public_device_record_key: String
Date when the public version of the device record was created or updated.
public_version_date: ISO8601DateTime
Version number of the public device record.
public_version_number: String
Status of the public version of the device record (e.g., active, retired).
public_version_status: String
A string representation of the date/time when the device record was last updated in the database.
updated_at: ISO8601DateTime
Version or model number of the device.
version_model_number: String