A Chargeback object, contains info on the dispute reason, status, and evidence submitted
· BillingItem
· The payment in Healthie that was disputed disputed_amount
· String
· The amount that was disputed evidence
· ChargeBackEvidence
· Evidence to contest the chargeback evidence_fields_to_submit
· [String]
· Fields that should be submitted for this chargeback formatted_reason
· String
· A formatted version of the reason formatted_status
· String
· A formatted version of the status response_required_by
· ISO8601DateTime
· The date and time that evidence needs to be submitted by total_amount
· String
· The total cost of the chargeback. Includes both the disputed amount and the fee Used By
"""A Chargeback object, contains info on the dispute reason, status, and evidence submitted"""type ChargeBack { """ The payment in Healthie that was disputed """ billing_item: BillingItem
""" The date and time the chargeback was initiated """ created_at: ISO8601DateTime!
""" The amount that was disputed """ disputed_amount: String
""" Evidence to contest the chargeback """ evidence: ChargeBackEvidence
""" Fields that should be submitted for this chargeback """ evidence_fields_to_submit: [String]
""" The dispute fee charged by the payment processor """ fee: String
""" A formatted version of the reason """ formatted_reason: String
""" A formatted version of the status """ formatted_status: String
""" The unique identifier of the chargeback """ id: ID!
""" The reason for the chargeback. Matches Stripe's list of reasons at """ reason: String
""" The date and time that evidence needs to be submitted by """ response_required_by: ISO8601DateTime
""" The status of the chargeback """ status: String
""" The total cost of the chargeback. Includes both the disputed amount and the fee """ total_amount: String
""" The date and time the chargeback was last updated """ updated_at: ISO8601DateTime!}